From the information we received, Marvel Gerson Malisngorar, born in Namtabung on March 19, 2009, is currently in Grade 10. Due to blindness in his right eye, Marvel, along with his father, Yustus Robby Malisngorar, a 41-year-old fisherman, has been seeking medical help. Unfortunately, his father also suffers from blurred vision due to an eye condition.
After an examination in Ambon, doctors confirmed that the optic nerves in Marvel’s right eye have detached from the eyeball. The doctor recommended further treatment in Makassar, but the family is struggling financially.
Marvel’s mother, Dorci Maria Malisngorar, works as a teacher and is currently in Namtabung with one other child, praying for God’s mercy. Meanwhile, her husband, Marvel’s father, has lost vision in his right eye and has blurred vision in his left eye, but doctors have assured that treatment is available in Ambon.
Marvel deeply hopes to receive treatment and return to school like before. The prayers and support of many can help change Marvel’s situation, but above all, it is important that he understands God’s will through his experience. We trust that the Lord Jesus will help Marvel and his father in His miraculous way.
Update 2/5/25:

Today, Marvel and his father, Robby Malisngorar, from Namtabung village, KKT, went for an eye examination at the clinic. The doctor urgently recommended that Marvel be taken to Makassar or Jakarta for further treatment as soon as possible. There is still a chance for his condition to be treated, but if delayed, the likelihood of restoring his vision will be very small, and he risks permanent blindness due to a detached optic nerve. Meanwhile, Marvel's father, Mr. Robby Malisngorar, has been experiencing blurred vision in both eyes. The doctor diagnosed him with cataracts, and he will also need surgery. For brothers and sisters who would like to support Marvel and his father, you can contact Berkat Ambon. May the Lord bless you.