Mr. Yongky Pical, born in Ambon on June 10, 1988, he is suffering from gallbladder obstruction, appendicitis, hepatitis, and liver complications. He resides in Bukit Cempaka, Jonggol District, Bogor Regency.
Four months ago, he stopped working after undergoing surgery to remove his gallbladder and appendix, followed by the placement of a tube in his digestive tract two months ago. Together with his wife, Delsya Mataheru, 31 years old, and their three young children, Mr. Yongky is fighting to stay strong. Volunteers from Berkat Ambon, along with a servant of God, are ministering to Mr. Yongky and have provided donations to help him.
Our prayers are that Mr. Yongky may come to understand God's will and eventually regain employment to support his family. Currently, his wife is doing odd jobs to sustain the family's needs. For those who wish to share their love with Mr. Yongky and his family, you can contact Berkat Ambon via messenger. May Jesus bless us all to be a blessing to our brothers and sisters in need.