Meydellin Pesiwarissa, born in Ambon on December 23, 2021, along with her mother, Ludriyati Pesiwarissa, 28 years old, a housewife, residing in SBB, Waesamu Village.
Currently, Mey is in need of assistance for an eye examination. Since she was six months old, white spots have started appearing on Mey's eyeballs. During a free medical check-up at the local church with a team of doctors from Ambon, the doctors mentioned that she needed surgery. However, due to financial constraints, it has been delayed.
Berkat Ambon will help with transportation to Ambon and to the hospital. The plan is to immediately arrange BPJS (Indonesia's national health insurance) in Ambon. Previously, a request for KIS (Health Insurance Card) was submitted for further treatment, but nothing has been approved yet. The family also plans to make BPJS for the child, but they are still facing financial challenges. Brothers and sisters who wish to help little Mey can contact Berkat Ambon via messenger. Lord Jesus has brought Mey’s mother together with Berkat Ambon, and surely God has a way to help Mey.
Update 1/14/25:

Praise the Lord! Volunteers from Berkat Ambon accompanied little Meydellin Pesiwarissa, a 3-year-old girl from the village of Waisamu, SBB, to facilitate her BPJS registration so she can receive treatment for her eyes. Since she was 6 months old, a white spot has appeared on her black iris, growing larger over time and affecting her vision. Berkat Ambon covered the BPJS registration fee, calculated from her age of 0 months to now, approximately 26 months.
Little Meydellin must return to Waisamu and wait for her BPJS to become active in about 45 days. Let us pray that Meydellin can soon receive treatment and recover from the threat of blindness. Brothers and sisters, you can support Meydellin and our ministry by reaching out to us. May God bless you all!