Based on the information received, the Berkat Ambon team visited Mr. Elias Yohanes Welem Kasantaru (54 years old), who is suffering from kidney stones. Mr. Welem had undergone laser treatment, but a few days later he experienced severe pain and was taken to the hospital. It was discovered that there was pus in his ureter, which was suctioned out, approximately 600 ml. After being treated for 3 days in the hospital, more than 2 liters of pus was removed.
Mr. Wem works as a porter at Pattimura Airport and is currently using a drainage bag for the discharge of fluid, approximately 300 ml per day. He needs to visit the hospital twice a week for follow-ups and is unable to work at the moment. We pray that the Lord Jesus grants wisdom to the medical team handling Mr. Wem so they can provide the appropriate treatment and that Mr. Wem can recover and return to work to support his family’s economy.
Anyone who wishes to help Mr. Wem can contact Berkat Ambon via Messenger.