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Da Sopahelawakan

Updated: Dec 28, 2024

Today, we visited Grandma Da Sopahelawakan. Grandma Da lives alone and has been cared for by her granddaughter-in-law. Berkat Ambon has provided support with diapers and medication for Grandma Da. By the grace of the Lord Jesus, we are helping to treat the wounds on her feet. 😭

Grandma Da always praises God and prays—that is all she can do now. She is no longer able to sit up or be active like she used to. May the Lord Jesus help Grandma Da and grant her strength to endure each day that God has allowed her to experience.

Update 12/8/24:

Praise the Lord, the wounds on Grandma Da's toes have dried and are starting to heal. The Lord Jesus loves and helps Grandma Da, lifting all her pain. Grandma Da remains joyful and grateful. Thank you so much to the brothers and sisters who continually donate through Berkat Ambon, allowing the donations to be distributed to help those served by Berkat Ambon. The Lord Jesus loves and blesses us all.

Update 12/28/24: Rest in peace, Grandma Da Sopahelawakan. Grandma Da is now healed in eternity, free from pain. She leaves behind one child and three grandchildren. For the past several years, Grandma Da lived alone, and her grandchildren and in-laws cared for her with all their ability. She was found to have passed away this morning, and the funeral is planned to take place by tomorrow morning at the latest. Efforts are still ongoing to arrange a casket and burial site. The local congregation has already provided clothing and other necessities.

For anyone wishing to contribute to Grandma Da's funeral arrangements, please contact Berkat Ambon Messenger directly. The Lord Jesus will surely provide the best for Grandma Da.


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