Berkat Ambon has been contacted regarding baby Camelia Wattimury, 7 months old, living in Piru. She has been diagnosed with hydrocephalus and does not yet have BPJS (Indonesian health insurance).
The father, Yandri Wattimury, is 21 years old, and works uncertain jobs. The mother, Jenny Teken, is 22 years old.
However, there is no plan yet for Camelia's treatment. Until now, we are still waiting for the opportunity to proceed with further examinations. For brothers and sisters who would like to help with transportation and examination costs for this beloved child in Ambon, you can contact Berkat Ambon via Messenger. May Lord Jesus open the way so that Amelia can be taken to Ambon for further treatment.
Update 10/14/24: Baby Amelia was scheduled to have a consultation with the doctor tomorrow at 1 p.m., but this evening she developed a fever and had to be taken to the hospital for further treatment. Amelia was born perfectly healthy, but at 3 weeks old, she started having seizures. Since she was 3 months old, she began experiencing head enlargement and was taken to a pediatrician in Masohi, where fluid was found in her head, and she had to be referred, but due to family circumstances, it is only now that Amelia can be brought to Ambon. The prayers of many people will bring about great change for baby Amelia.

Amelia has been put on an IV to reduce her fever. After that, she was allowed to go home. We are looking for a temporary stay for Amelia along with her grandparents as they are unable to return to Batu Gong at the family house, as it's too far away. A boarding house near the hospital costs about 1,250,000 IDR. Bed supplies, food, and other necessities need to be brought in by ourselves. Those who wish to help ease the costs for Amelia can contact Berkat Ambon.
Tonight, after the IV, Amelia is able to go home and move into the boarding room. May the Lord Jesus bless and open the way for Amelia.
10/15/24: Amelia and her grandparents are now in the boarding house. On October 22, the doctor will be back to work, and Amelia can have her follow-up check-up. All of Amelia and her grandparents' needs for food and transportation are being supported by Berkat Ambon. Many thanks to everyone who continues to donate through Berkat Ambon; it has all been a blessing for Amelia.

Update 10/20: We visited Amalia at the boarding school. We brought milk, diapers, and vitamins for Amalia and also donated food for her Grandma, who is accompanying her. Lord Jesus, please bless and provide for all of Amalia's needs. Tomorrow, Amalia will begin her check-up at the hospital; may all the processes go smoothly and according to God's will. Hopefully, she can receive treatment in Ambon.

Update 10/23: Amel was examined by a pediatrician and given anticonvulsant medication because she is still frequently experiencing seizures, as well as fever medicine and ointment for ant bites she got while in Piru. The pediatrician has referred her to a neurosurgeon, so tomorrow Amel will return for further examinations to ensure she can be treated as soon as possible.
Camelia was referred from a pediatrician to a pediatric neurosurgeon, and today she had blood drawn for lab tests, followed by a CT scan to determine why fluid is not draining. Tomorrow morning, Amel will meet with an anesthesiologist, and if God permits, she will be admitted on Friday and undergo surgery on Saturday. May Jesus ease every step of the process so that Amel’s head fluid can decrease and her head size can reduce from now.
10/24/24: Praise the Lord, Camelia Febby Wattimury has successfully completed all procedures from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m., including meetings with the anesthesiologist, a CT scan, and an X-ray. Now, they’re awaiting information from the hospital about when she can be admitted for surgery. Since the doctor is scheduled to leave next week, he has recommended that Amel undergo surgery on Saturday morning. However, the hospital is still checking for an available inpatient room.
Praise the Lord, Camelia's parents have arrived, and she has been admitted to the hospital in preparation for her operation tomorrow. However, she has already entered the operating room tonight. Lord Jesus, please watch over the medical team; grant them added skill and understanding as they care for Camelia.
Update 10/25/24: Praise the Lord, Camelia Febby Wattimury’s surgery is complete, and her head has slightly reduced in size. However, fluid that drained into her stomach has caused it to enlarge. According to the doctor, they will monitor her for a few days, and if the swelling doesn’t decrease, she may need to be referred to Makassar. Lord Jesus, please help Amel—may all unnecessary fluids be released from her body as they should, in the name of Jesus!

Update 11/4/24: Camelia Febby Wattimury has returned home and will go back for a follow-up checkup. The left side of her head is still swollen, and we pray that the Lord Jesus will guide the next steps. Amel will continue with checkups and await further instructions from the doctor. May the Lord Jesus be with her and take control of the entire process.

Update 11/11/24:

Amel and her parents have arrived in Ambon for her follow-up check-up scheduled for Friday. Little Amel needs milk and diapers, as well as food expenses for her parents while they are in Ambon.
Berkat Ambon has helped cover the cost of lodging, electricity tokens, and meals for Amel’s caregivers.
We are very grateful to everyone who continues to donate through Berkat Ambon, enabling us to assist those in need during their medical treatments, whether in Ambon or for those coming from out of town. May the Lord Jesus love and bless us all.
Update 11/21/24:

Praise the Lord, today little Camelia had her follow-up check-up with the doctor. After undergoing all post-surgery examinations, the surgeon confirmed that everything is fine, and the pediatrician also provided positive results. Amel is scheduled for another follow-up on December 20. Amel still needs milk, diapers, and transportation for her next visit. The prayers and support from everyone are greatly appreciated by Amel's family and all of us.
Berkat Ambon has assisted with Amel's needs as well as transportation for her and her parents. Thank you to everyone who has donated through Berkat Ambon, enabling us to continue helping those in need. May the Lord Jesus love and bless us all.
Update 12/17/24: Berkat Ambon volunteers visited Camelia, who arrived yesterday and went to the hospital earlier today. However, the doctor treating Amel is still on leave, so they will return on Wednesday. Amel's head appears slightly enlarged and soft, with some redness around the neck and abdomen. Amel also has a fever, and Berkat Ambon has assisted with medications not covered by BPJS.

Update 12/19/24:

During today's check-up, the doctor recommended a CT scan as the shunt might be blocked, preventing proper fluid drainage. Unfortunately, Camelia couldn’t undergo the CT scan today because she was not asleep during the procedure. She will return tomorrow for the CT scan, and further steps will be taken to prevent her head from enlarging further.
The prayers and support from everyone can change Camelia's situation. Special thanks to Ms. Irene Pariama for providing a place for Camelia and her parents to stay. Berkat Ambon is helping with meals and transportation. For those who would like to assist with Camelia's other needs, please contact Berkat Ambon via Messenger.
Update 12/23/24:

Praise God, Camelia will return to Piru tomorrow morning after her consultation with the doctor earlier today. Camelia will come back again in February 2025. The Berkat Ambon community has helped cover transportation costs for Amel, her father, and her mother. Camelia's head circumference at the initial check-up was 70 cm, but praise God, it is now 60.5 cm.
Camelia is in urgent need of a baby stroller because the weight of her head poses a significant risk if carried in someone's arms. For anyone who wants to share love with Camelia, they can contact her through the Berkat Ambon messenger. The Lord Jesus loves and blesses us all. Thank you so much to everyone who has continuously donated through Berkat Ambon, enabling us to share with those in need.